Thibaut and Michel

2007 September 06

Created by Thibaut de RESSEGUIER 16 years ago
We had a phone call from Renate this week announcing the very sad news of Lynn’s death. It was a shock, even though you had told us last summer that his brain tumour was a very serious problem. Thank you again for passing the Hawaii postcard around, we hope he could enjoy it. As you may know, Lynn came to work here with Michel Boustie and me in Poitiers quite a few times since my stay at SRI, and we also met him quite regularly in conferences, so we kept in touch and remained good friends. He was always in an amazing shape and good spirits, and always very enthusiastic about everything. We were very lucky to know Lynn Seaman and we will not forget him. Please transmit our condolences to everyone we know at SRI, and kiss Renate for us when you see her. Cheers, Thibaut and Michel